AVSDA Student Evaluations
Assessments help us all meet our goals!
Throughout this program...
We collect data as evidence of your progress. Each week you will have assignments that are scored using a point system. To graduate, a student must have achieved at least 80% in all competencies and assignments. We offer extra credit throughout the program and allow make-up work for excused absences.
You must meet criteria for total hours of attendance, including private and group online lessons, and also public access training.
We will occasionally conduct evaluations of your team's progress specific to applied training, public access, and tasking skills. All testing criteria will be presented with lead time, study guides, and assistance to help you perform to the best of your abilities. Two of the assessments we will conduct include the AKC Canine Good Citizen test, and the ADI Public Access assessment. We have provided links to information about both, below.